Our Brand Is Creative – A (Belated) LFF Round-up pt.2

The London Film Festival screened over 240 films. We saw eight. That is not a Hall of Fame-worthy batting average, but we did see a few triples, if not home runs (oh Lord, I don’t even like baseball…but I do love Moneyball). Here’s part two of our round-up.

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Our Brand Is Creative – A (Belated) LFF Round-up pt.1

And just like that, the 2015 London Film Festival is over; 240 films from over 70 countries have screened, awards have been handed out and the red carpets have been rolled up for another year. Although our dreams of hanging out with Tom Hiddlestone at a premiere didn’t come true, we still had a grand old time, fitting in films into every spare moment. Contained with in this post are some raspberry muffin and Mexican lager fueled thoughts.

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