AHD Podcast #14 – John Carpenter’s Starman

Once a month, the AHD gang dissect, critique and generally jabber about the oddities, the ignored or the duds in a famous director’s filmography. This month, we discuss John Carpenter’s John Carpenter’s Starman. Plus extra fun in the form of film chit-chat and a quiz! What’s not to love?!

0:00:00 – 0:39:50 – The gang discuss Suicide Squad because that is a whole to-do currently, but then recover nicely with some EntertainmentKubo and the Two Strings and Event Horizon chatter.

0:39:50 – 0:58:40 – Quiz time! This month, Sam is the razzle-dazzle quiz master, bringing us a new quiz; Denzel Washington D.C. (the States Have Never Been Higher)!

0:58:40 – 1:30:40 – In our main segment, we get into a full-blown review and discussion of John Carpenter’s Starman. Is this an overlooked classic or was JC just looking for that Spielberg pay-day?

1:30:40 – onwards – The outro!

Enjoy! Stream or download on the widget above or here if you can’t get that to work.

Hit us up with your favourite sci-fi romance films in the comments below or by tweeting at us at @AHDPodcast or@samsheppard8 or @jonathanhatfull. You got choices, y’all.

Music this month:

.357 LOVER feat. Corn Mo  – Event Horizon

The State Song

Jack Nitzsche – Starman Leaves