AHD Podcast #8 – Jurassic World Cup?

Don’t let the picture fool you, we are not talking about any scary movies, but guess what? Jonathan Hatfull is back, brandishing a chainsaw and protecting the brothers Sheppard against a monster that wants to pick Ben’s nose. The dream team is finally all together and in this episode, Ben, Sam & Jon lay the smackdown on other dream teams – sports dream teams! In movies! Sports movies! Come for Ben & Jon rounding up the films they saw at the London Film Festival, stay for Sam’s pitch for a sequel to Bedknobs and Broomsticks.

0:00:00 – 0:02:34 – The gang attempts to rationalise their decision to forgo a Halloween theme and instead discuss sports films.

0:02:34 – 0:31:24 – London. The City. In the South. They had a film festival recently and Sam wants to know about it! Can Ben and Jon answer his queries??

0:31:24 – 1:22:20 – Touchdown! Offside! Checkmate! Wicket! None of these words come up in our discussion of sports films.

1:22:20  – onwards – THE OUTRO! There’s a cliffhanger!

Enjoy! Stream above or download it here.

Let us know if you’d pay to see a sequel to Bedknobs and Broomsticks set during the Iraq War either in the comments below or by tweeting at us at @AutHorsDoeu or @samsheppard8 or @jonathanhatfull. You got choices, y’all.

Music this month:

Trent Reznor & Karen O – Immigrant Song

Abba – S.O.S.

Maxine Nightingale – Right Back To Where We Started From

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