We have a podcast! Episode 7 is about Night Movies!

Well, look who’s come crawling back! It’s Sam! He’s back with a vengeance in this kinda-recorded-live-but-with-no-audience podcast. Warning: there are accents and, occasionally, singing. The guys hash out some real beef thanks to Michael Mann’s Thief before Ben goes on a tirade about Netflix’s documentary Tig, during which Sam drops some serious clostridium difficile knowledge. The guys also get their jaws nailed to the floor by magic tricks with cards (Deceptive Practice: The Mysteries and Mentors of Ricky Jay) and bodies (The Raid 2: Berandal). After they exhaust themselves with tangents, Ben quizzes Sam with a new game, the Vincent Price Is Right, but What are the iMDB Scores For These Movies? So sinister. Finally, because the podcast was recorded at night, the two describe their favourite ‘night movies’, but spend most of the time describing what the hell they think that term means.

0:00:00 – 0:04:55 – Give these guys a Tony for their singing! And Grammies for their theme tune! Nothing for the Tom Waits impressions though.

0:04:55 – 0:56:20 – Jesus Christ, these guys enjoy talking about the movie films. An hour chitter-chatter about pretty much every film listed above, plus an added bonus argument about which Queen songs were on the Highlander soundtrack.

0:56:20 – 1:09:50 – GAME TIME! THE VINCENT PRICE IS RIGHT BUT WHAT ARE THE iMDB SCORES FOR THESE MOVIES? We even threw in a catchy theme tune for you.

1:09:50 – 1:49:45 – Night movies. So like, movies set at night? Movies that feel like they take up a whole night? Who knows.

1:49:45  – onwards – THE OUTRO!

Enjoy! Stream above or download it here.

Let us know if you think ‘night movies’ are an actual thing either in the comments below or by tweeting at us at @AutHorsDoeu

Music this month!

Mick Smiley – Magic

The Price is Right Theme

Kavinksy – Nightcall

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