We have a podcast! Episode 5 is about Character Actors!

Everyone remember your manners! We have a guest in the podcast house! Sadly, Sam was unavailable for recording, but that’s ok, because we had uber-qualified and totally official Jonathan Hatfull on hand for an emergency like this. He joins Ben for a rambling chat taking you from “how many sugars does a weirdo have in their coffee?” to “what are the Suicide Squad walking towards in that trailer?” before rambling furthermore about character actors.

0:00:00 – 0:03:14 – Allow us to introduce this chap, his name is HATFULL! H to the Atfull!

0:03:14 – 0:19:33 – Lost Soul tries to warn us about the dickishness of Val Kilmer + Ant-Man thoughts

0:19:33 – 0:39:10 – The rambliest ramble chat since ramble in the jangle. Starts discussing the Guest, ends about David Ayer

0:39:10 – 1:02:36 – Nature’s greatest mysteries: Big Foot, the Wolfman, and…character actors?

1:02:36 – onwards – THE OUTRO!

Enjoy! Stream above or download it here.

Let us know who you think qualifies as the greatest character actor in either the comments below or by tweeting at us at @AutHorsDoeu

Bizarrely goth/glam music this week:

The Cure – Disintegration

Love & Rockets – Haunted When the Minutes Drag

David Bowie – Cracked Actor