Quarterly Reporting – 2015 Q1

When the sun sets tonight, we’ll have all survived the first three months of 2015. Congratulations to you all. 10 points to Gryffindor, etc. In case your memory isn’t what it used to be, here’s a handy recap of the year’s first quarter. If you’re an American reading this, most of the films discussed here probably came out yonks ago in your town, so you only have yourselves to blame for being bored.

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We have a podcast! Episode 1 is about Comebacks!

Seeing as we came to the whole blogging affair so late, we figured we might as well hit up all internet based media at a very delayed approach (keep an eye out for our first Vine in 2018). So please find our first podcast attached. Hopefully, it’ll at least distract you from the pain of losing an hour today.

0:00-0:21 – Bitching theme tune

0:22-1:08 – Intros

1:09-9:08 – Chappie

09:23-19:22 – Paprika

19:36-45:50 – Cinematic & Televisual Comebacks

Enjoy! Either stream above or download here.

The Gambler


A group of bored but attractive students listen in a bored way to the boring PROFESSOR. He is talking to the class, probably about something he knows a lot about, but it doesn’t matter because he is boring. One kid is asleep and drooling.


Blah blah blah, economics, blah blah blah trigonometry,

yadda yadda yadda, Vesuvius?

Suddenly the doors burst open and MARK WAHLBERG storms in, while a guitar solo plays really loud. The drooling kid wakes up. As the doors slam behind Mark’s triumphant walk, the bitching solo stops.

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